Jun 18, 2012

Last night we were reading about how babies begin to mimic facial expressions in the first few months of life.  This afternoon we decided to try it out and see what happened. Ashlee was holding Emmy and stuck her tongue out at her. I don't think we were really expecting a response but Emmy stuck her tongue out right away. We grabbed the video camera right after and she did it a few more times for us. This may not be impressive to anyone, but as first time parents we thought it was about the cutest thing we had ever seen. The end of the video is just random smiling that we couldn't bring ourselves to cut out.


Terry said...

I love the video.I am so glad that you are blogging. And they are so much fun to read and yes you are your mothers daughter. Paranoid. Oh yes we are. Oh well no apologies here! love you all

Terry said...

I love the video.I am so glad that you are blogging. And they are so much fun to read and yes you are your mothers daughter. Paranoid. Oh yes we are. Oh well no apologies here! love you all

Linds said...

That is such a fun video!

Emily Porter said...

ohhh i can't handle the cuteness!