Jun 20, 2010


Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful Dad!
Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for our fun lunches to Tom's Deli & Pizza Factory. Thank you for taking us all to Disneyland every year. Thank you for teaching me how to work hard. Thank you for always picking me up from school on the Harley and revving the engine really loud so everyone saw how cool my dad was. Thank you for your texts. Thank you for basically letting me grow up at Lake Powell. Thank you for sitting on the porch with me to teach me about the stars when I was younger. Thank you for your letters & emails. Thank you for teaching me to love all kinds of music. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you Thank you Thank you.... for everything you do and so much more.
Love, Your "pretty girl"

1 comment:

Aubrey & Garrett Frei said...

I am so glad to see you blogging again!!!!! You are soooo beautiful! Your wedding looked amazing. Congrats!