May 18, 2010

Thrift store goodies

Over the last couple months I have become a thrift store regular. You know... like the crazy lady you see at DI every single time you go. That's me. At first, I was trying to find a few things for the wedding. But lately, I have been collecting plates to decorate my kitchen with. After seeing a plate I loved at Urban Renewal for 6$ and finding that exact same plate later that day for 1$ at DI in St. George, I decided I wasn't going to spend over 2 dollars on any plate for my wall... just to make it more fun. (My mom did buy me one from Tai Pan though, she said it belonged up there, I agreed.) I'm still adding a few more and maybe replacing a few but as of now, this is my plate wall...
Who knew decorating could be so fun?


Madsen Updates said...

it looks SO CUTE!!!! i love it....don't try to pretend you don't know how to decorate!!

Erin said...

that is so neat. now i will have to hire you to take pictures of Wes AND decorate our house (when we move to st. george in sept)

Linds said...

that looks great! and congrats on your new little family :) you two are adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! Looks so good!

Where are you guys living?

missy said...

Love it. Look what marriage has done to you. I love it and you.

Makell Wintle said...

Hey fun, you have a blog! I love following friends blogs. And also, I love DI. You're plates are awesome. I've blogged about all my sweet finds too. Come check it out....