Jan 19, 2012

{2nd Trimester}

Well I am finally in the third and final stretch of this pregnancy. At least I think so. Ive read that the 3rd trimester starts the 26th, the 27th, and the 28th week so I'm not sure which is actually correct but I am now 27 (almost 28) weeks. And yet... April still feels like a life time away.

Here are some pictures to show what life was like during my 2nd trimester:
Remember when I looked at these 18 week pictures and was disgusted at how big I looked? 
That was funny.

Fall was pretty perfect and I felt great the whole time... minus the 24 hours I spent with the stomach flu. 
We drove up the canyon, saw the leaves change, listened to music, went shopping in Park City, went to St. George and basically just enjoyed each other and the lovely weather.

At one of my doctors appointments they informed me that my blood pressure was 127/82. 
127?! What? 
So naturally, I started freaking out thinking I was going to die of a heart attack or blood clot. Because my blood pressure is usually low. Very low. So I was really panicking. Luckily, Nicks brother Ty, who is just as much of a hypochondriac as I am had a blood pressure machine at his parents house. That's when the "Blood Pressure Party" began. We ate chips and dip, snickers, and tested our blood pressure over and over again. No need to worry. My blood pressure was back to 105/80 in no time... which Im sure is no good either but whatever, that's the usual.

I really looked bigger than that at 20 weeks. I was sucking in :)
Nick and I went to New York City when I was about 22 weeks so this picture was taken in Central Park. I'm planning on blogging about it... but I guess we'll see if that actually happens. Just in case I don't... it was the perfect trip and I loved every minute of it. I'm so glad we decided to go on one last big vacation before the baby is born. I'm guessing we wont get the opportunity near as much come springtime. 

Also, this was about the first time I felt the baby move. Best feeling in the world... especially just the reassurance it gives me everyday to know that she is healthy, happy, and growing. For the longest time I was trying to feel the little "flutters" that I had heard and read about but had never really felt. But Im pretty sure I completely missed that phase and went straight to feeling kicks and punches. And boy is our baby strong. I absolutely love feeling her move though... that is until Im trying to go to sleep and she decides its time to wake up and throw a party in my stomach. Lets pray her sleeping schedule changes shall we?


We had a lovely Christmas. Spent time with family and friends. Curled up on the couch in front of the christmas tree and fireplace. Did a few holiday crafts. But mostly just dreamed about what Christmas will be like next year with our cute baby girl around. I cant wait.

 Ok so lets talk pregnancy.
I feel really good. Sometimes I even forget I'm pregnant until I try and bend down to take off  my shoes or something and there is my giant stomach stopping me from doing so comfortably. BUT I do have a few complaints. 
First of all, my tailbone KILLS me. Every time I sit down for longer then 20 minutes I can hardly move when I try and stand back up. Feels like my tail bone breaks every time. As I type I am currently sitting on a donut pillow and when it comes time to stand back up I will have to have both hands helping me out of the chair and it will be a very slow process. Hello old lady! Another thing, I have had a bad cold since Thanksgiving. Is this normal? Im so sick of being sick! Don't get me wrong if this is what I get in place of throwing up for nine months Ill take it. But I would really just love one night of feeling like I can actually breathe again. Most of all though, I just feel tired. I could take a two hour nap in the day and then still sleep 9 hours at night. And being tired is just no fun. I hate it. I guess I better get used to it though right? Everyone tells me to just plan on being tired for the rest of my life once the baby is here so I guess my body is just getting prepared a little early. Also, I dream of the day where I sleep on my back and stomach again. Oh the little things that are going to bring me joy when this is all over :)
To be completely honest, I don't love being pregnant. I don't understand people that say they have never felt better. I just don't see how that's possible. 
I feel big, tired, and awkward. 
But oh my goodness I am so grateful for this little girl. I daydream about her all day long. I play lullaby's for her in the car. I try and drink lots of orange juice cause I'm pretty sure its her favorite. I rub my stomach to try and comfort her when I think she might be sad or scared. I talk to her when we are alone. I tell her how much her daddy loves her already. And how paranoid he gets about the fruit I eat being washed enough, and the paint fumes in the air, and my caffeine intake. I stare at her ultrasound pictures at least 5 times a day.   
Gosh I already feel so lucky to be her mom and I cannot wait to meet her and hold her in my arms.